
Friday, November 18, 2011

What If?

So we enter day 141 of the NBA lockout, and it is just a complete mess. The players have missed their first check, and as many analyst said, that would be a catalyst for the Players Association to push forward to finalize a deal. I said from the very beginning of the lockout that we would not see a 2011-2012 season. Money is a great motivator to anyone, even when you’re making millions. So before I get into the depth of what I want in the article, lets take a quick look at the financial aspects of the National Basketball Association.

*In a global aspect, teams like Real Madrid, and Barcelona for Soccer, and the New York Yankees have the highest paid teams, the NBA has the highest average salary for players at 4.79 million per year ($92,199 per week). Which makes the average NBA player the highest paid ‘average’ player in sports, globally.
*The 2010-2011 season’s salary cap was set at 56.1 Million, which was ironic considering that years Free Agent class was one of the best in the history of sports.

*In the 2010-2011 season SG Kobe Bryant made 24.8 million dollars in his player salary alone, while the Sacramento Kings had a payroll of 43.7 million.

*Rashard Lewis was once the highest paid Magic player (20.8 million salary). Sports are mainly a ‘what have you done for me recently?’-esque thing, so lemme ask current Washington Wizard, what have you done for me lately? Other than possibly being the reason for LeBron choking ;)

*Let’s say Michael Jordan makes roughly about 2.5 million dollars a week, which translates to 130 million a year. The Charlotte Bobcats, the team Jordan owns players salary added up to 47.4 million dollars in the 2010-2011 season, and their record was 34-48.

*Derrick Rose salary was set at 5 million, Michael Redd makes 18.3 million. There is a head scratcher for you.

So with all that number nonsense out of
the way, what do we have to look forward to? No Lakers, No
Miami, No Celtics, and No Mavs? Will Mark Cuban hire actors to recreate the 2011 championship game? Somebody get Dolph Lundgren a wig and a shooting coach.
But seriously, you can expect more underrated sports (MLS, European Soccer, Hockey, etc) to become huge on ESPN while the NBA suits and players argue in a tiny room, while eating finger sandwiches (what I like to imagine). For diehard Basketball fans, the NCAAB player’s don’t have a union nor do they get paid, so
enjoy watching a high tempo seaso
n in college basketball.

Go out, get NBA 2k12, and create your own season, with the expectation of actual rookie players from the draft this summer, but I bet there is some nerd, somewhere that has made accurate rookies, so go take 2 minutes out of your day and download it, its free! Not to mention, that game is full of legends from all eras of basketball.

But more so, the 2012 Olympics in London are on the cusp of starting, and the USA has had great success since last Olympics Dream Team, winning the gold at the World Championships. The team is solid, and with well, all of the stars on the team looking to not play ‘pro ball’, the US will have a loaded roster of the best players in the NBA.

That’s what you have to look forward to, so here is my projected US Olympic Roster of the 2012 games in London. On a side note, who’s idea was it to let England get the SUMMER Olympics. I feel somewhere less foggy, and with more attractive fans should get such a big event, unless Emma Watson will be in the crowd…every…day… but I digress

(Remember, this is Euro-Ball)

PG: Derrick Rose
SF: Kevin Durant
SG: Kobe Bryant
PF: LeBron James
C: Dwight Howard

Dwayne Wade
Chris Paul
Eric Gordon
Andre Iguodala
Stephen Curry
Carmelo Anthony
Kevin Love

This to me, seems like a great mash up, of the Re-Deem team, and the World Champions from a season ago. This is some of the top tier talent for many of the teams in the NBA, but it also has a central core. It will be the third time since they were drafted that D-Wade, LeBron, and ‘Melo were teamed up again, the veteran leader in Kobe Bryant, who’s killer instinct might rub off on other players, but it also allows him to get a chance for *Spoiler* teaming up with future teammate Dwight Howard. So let’s break this down player by player.

The reigning NBA MVP takes the helm of the newest Dream Team. Derrick Rose was a simple choice for the starting PG,this guy dictates the flow of the game. He can speed it up, and take it to the hole, or create lanes, passes, and run plays like almost no one else in the game. Rose has improved his shooting touch since last time he played ‘Euro-Ball’ so teams will dare him to pull up, and he will be much obliged to do so.

 The most important player of this team is easily SG, Kobe Bryant. He will go in as the Leader, the veteran, and
like the Lakers will be the guy with the ball in his hand when it counts. Bryant showed great poise last Olympics, when he wasn’t quite the leader, nor was he the phenomenal rookie, he was in a strange ‘middle’ role, that no one is used to seeing off him. This will be Kobe’s last gold medal run, look for him to be ‘The Man’ of this team.

Kevin Durant was an obvious starting choice, the hardest part was deciding where he would go. I figured putting him at SF, allowing him to remain a swing man, would best serve the team. Durant has touches from all over the floor, and can be a great scorer, and an above average defender. Putting him in the front court with LeBron and Dwight Howard can make any basketball fan drool. I also feel, despite the Western Conference battles, Durant will follow Kobe around a lot during the team’s travels.

LeBron James at PF is a strange concept, but remember this is a different kind of basketball than what we’re used to in the NBA. LeBron has been noted for spending a lot of time this extended off-season working on his back-to-the-basket game. His pure athleticism and freak-of-nature abilities will allow him to overcome any opponent. If they’re stronger he’s faster, if they’re faster he’s stronger. He’ll be a permanent mismatch against any team, I mean do you think Pau Gasol could handle guarding LeBron an entire game? Not to mention, if the US controls the pace with D-Rose, Gasol will never get comfortable. (Assuming Spain is our best competition this year).

At Center, could you choose anyone other than Dwight Howard. Each year this guy adds a new aspect to his game, and is by far the best Center in the league by leaps and bounds. As I said earlier, I believe Dwight will be a Laker by 2012. But more importantly, there aren’t many people who can match up with Dwight Howard, last time the team was chasing a gold medal, he wasn’t as experienced. He has exploded as a leader of the Magic team, and one of the best in the NBA by far. He’ll know the rules of FIBA basketball better, and he’ll have the experience to anchor this team as the starting big man.

Bench Players

Anytime you see names like D-Wade, ‘Melo, and CP3 on the bench you know your team is loaded. Wade will be interchangeable for Bryant a lot, bringing the same amount of talent on both sides of the ball, and a fresh set of legs. Also Chicago fans might shed a tear when they see a frontcourt of D-Wade and D-Rose, two Chicago natives that almost got to be a pair. Also look for the chemistry between the King and Wade to be on lock with a up-tempo game, and great penetration between the two. (I’ll bet 10 dollars, Ned laughed at the end of that sentence)

Melo seems to be just an offensive threat, his defense is sub-par at best. Durant has evolved into an easy starter, and in my belief a better player than Melo will ever be. He’ll provide great depth for this team, coming in for Durant and LeBron at times. He can stretch the floor, and finish at the basket, but I still feel like he’ll be a weak spot on the defensive side of the ball. What is interesting is how he’ll play with Chris Paul, who may end up being a New York Knick in the future.

Speaking of Chris Paul, its hard to not imagine him as a starter, but the fact is Derrick Rose is ‘Too Good’. Paul will be a great sub for Rose, bringing the same kind of tempo and talent, as well as more ‘veteran’ savvy. Is it just me, or is it strange even hooking the words Chris Paul and Veteran together. The fact is, he is a spectacular athlete, and playing with a different team other than the Hornets will showcase his talent.

Eric Gordon, and Stephen Curry will provide the deep ball. Stretching the floor out, you could see a strange 3-2 set ( 3 guards, two forwards) a lot in FIBA, a pure uptempo style allowing shooters to shoot, and fast break scores, a Mike D’Antoni signature who is one of the asst. coaches of the Men’s team. Curry and Gordon showed up huge for the World Championship team when Rose couldn’t pull up from range, these two will be a valuable ‘sixth men’ for the team, making opposing team’s respect the long ball, as well as I believe Curry will come into the Olympics will greatly improved ball handling, and the ability to create his own shot.

Igoudala retains his spot from the World Champions as a pure defense player. He showed great ability shutting down some of the best players in the world, and will be put on the best player on the floor whenever he is there. Igoudala also provides a good attacking the basket abilities, as well as a decent range from the floor. He will play purely as a stopper, but look for him to add some offense to this team as well.

Kevin Love, one of my favorite players in the NBA is a quiet big man, who’ll be backing up Dwight Howard mostly, but may see some time at PF behind LeBron, especially against teams like Spain who have the Gasol Brother’s playing in the front court. Love is one of the best young players in the NBA, and will easily fit as a FIBA big man. He won’t be an X-Factor, nor will he win games, but the kind of Depth he provides as a big man is unparallel and will allow Dwight Howard to rest for huge chunks.

This team is loaded, more so than the Redeem team. Younger players, have become Veteran Stars, each player here could be a franchise player for, any team in the NBA, some already are. In fact the starting five could easily become Hall of Famers when their careers end, well, Kobe obviously will be, and LeBron may end up there depending on his championship situation.

The fact is, if this team doesn’t run the table and bring home a Gold Medal I’ll be absolutely shocked. Either the season will get canceled by January-February, and the players can focus on playing for the National Team. I don’t believe negotiations will pan out in time for the public to get a 2011-2012 season. Period. The Olympics will provided an invaluable time for these players to hone their skills as some of the best in the NBA, as well as the world, against world talent. Not going to lie, I’m fairly excited for the 2012 games…Even if it is in London…

Speaking of London here is a treat

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