
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Who Said Life Was Fair?

Lets be honest with each other, there is a disconnect between blame and credit of athletes in modern sports. Some just file it into the category of "Star Players get Star Calls" and the media is to blame but its time to sort everything out. There is an unfair treatment of athletes in getting blame and credit.

Tony Romo: Tony Romo gets blasted, absolutely destroyed by writers and analysts after his 4th quarter collapse in week 1. Before you send in angry emails do not make the argument on whether or not he deserved it. What I want to point out is that in week 2 he punctures a lung and leads a 4th quarter comeback and then in week 3 he hands the Washington Redskins their only loss. Yes, he was not phenomenal but he was good enough to win. All I hear from the same Romo bashers after week 1 is "Oh well its all about Washington's penalties, Jones 125 yards, Ware and Spenser's pressure." NO. If you want to hand out all the blame for 1 bad interception it is also your responsibility to give credit where credit is due.

Aj Burnett: Aj Burnett got the tap on the shoulder to pitch the elimination game 4 against the Detroit Tigers. This sent writers and Yankee fans alike into a frenzy. Headcase has lacked command, velocity, and a cool nerve nearly all year. Aj walked 3 batters in the first inning and gets saved by an incredible Granderson 2 out catch the some have said "saved New York's season." Instead of Aj getting credit for the rest of his game pitched there are anchors that are asking if the credit should go to Aj of Grandy. OF COURSE IT GOES TO AJ! Pitchers occasionally need a fantastic defensive play on a nightly basis. This is understood. Please everyone who pressed the doomsday button when they heard Aj was starting game 4 find a friend and admit to them that he pitched well and deserves credit for that game.

These are not the only two examples of this happening in sports. The media simply needs to learn how to give blame and credit to the same athletes. People are tired of hearing how Brady can do no wrong. I heard anchors trying to justify that all 4 interceptions were someones (not Bradys) fault. Please grow up and sometimes the same athlete can be spectacular and win and then they can implode and lose a game. Learn to divvy up honors and hatred.

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